
Írta: Csakazértis

Év végi szórakoztatás I.

 3OH!3 feat. Katy Perry - Starstrukk


Nice legs, Daisy dukes, makes a man go [whistle]

Thats the way they all come through like [whistle whistle]

Low-cut, see-through shirts that make you [whistles]

Thats the way she come through like [whistles]

Cause I just set them up, just set them up, just set them up to knock them down
Cause I just set them up, just set them up, just set them up to knock them down

I think I should know how to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints out,no
L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce
How, do I say I'm sorry cause the word is never gonna come out no
L-O-V-E's just another word i never learned to pronounce

Tight jeans, Double D's makin' me go [whistles]
All the people on the street know [whistles whistles]
Iced-out, lit-up make the kids go [whistles]
All the people on the street know [whistle whistle]

Cause I just set them up, just set them up, just set them up to knock them down
Cause I just set them up, just set them up, just set them up to knock them down

I think I should know how to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints out now

L-O-V-E's just another word i never learned to pronounce

how, do I say I'm sorry cause the word is never gonna come out no
L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce

Push it baby, push it baby out of control
I got my gun cocked tight and I'm ready to blow
Push it baby, push it baby out of control
This is the same old dance that you already know
Push it baby, push it baby out of control
I got my gun cocked tight and I'm ready to blow
Push it baby, push it baby out of control
Cause it's the same old dance that you already know

I think I should know how to make love to something innocent without leaving my fingerprints out no
L-O-V-E's just another word I never learned to pronounce


 Ezt a videot először az MTV Hits-en láttam, de csakis véletlenül, na meg annak köszönhetően, hogy éppen oda kapcsoltam nagy unalmamban. De szerintem ez egy egészen szórakoztató zene. Legalábbis azért, mert nem lassú, és olyan vicces lett a videoklipje is...

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